The enlightenment of snow

The winter came late this year, when the first snow covered Göteborg it was already the 5th of december. However, the soft white blanket of snow did not last for long, the morning after the city was back to its normal appearance, grey with a hint of moist rain. Hopefully, there will be more snow soon.

The fall of winter I
The enlightenment of snow

The fall of winter II
The fresh white blanket

And yes, I have an announcement. This blog have been treated as a bear in its winter lair the past months, I beg you pardon for the lack of new updates. I have lost my inspiration to take new photos, the last months my photos have just turned out dull and expressionless. But I will find my way to inspiration once again. Also, I have moved, lost my computer and lived a life without internet access, if that is some form of forgiving excuses.

A beautiful song and a source of reflection